Online flight Saturday Sep 15 1500Z

17 years 4 months ago #5283 by jetjerry
Mike & other SPA wing-nuts:

You are correct. If you indeed are shooting one of the RWY 01 instrument approaches...from which you shall not deviate, you only have 47 seconds from the "M" to the end of the RWY at a GS of 130 kts. A B757 is the largest aircraft authorized to land here.

NOTE: ALL THE INSTRUMENT APPROACHES ARE "CIRCLE-TO-LAND" MINS ONLY, and you can not circle to the East because of a Prohibited Area....THUS: All large airplanes landing North must circle to the West to land.

Questions? :-?

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17 years 4 months ago #5284 by Westcoast

Bear with me here, I think I'm about to learn something (at my advanced age, a rare event indeed). When I look at the bottom of the VOR DME Rwy 01 chart, I see two vertical columns. The left one is headed "Straight-In Landing Rwy 01" and under that it says "NA" (this has an ominous ring). The right hand column is headed "Circle to-Land" and MDAs are listed under that. Now for my dumb question (finally). Does that mean you must circle to land and you cannot make a straight-in approach, or does it just mean you'd be stupid to try it ?


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17 years 4 months ago #5285 by Kiwiviator
Well, a very interesting topic, and by the sounds of it I'll wait for Jerry's reply before I try this approach Might try it in a King Air first .. hehehe. The straight in approach sounds like an easy option, bit we don't want to overtax ATC do we!!

Count me in if on Saturday, as that makes it 0500 hrs sunday morning for me. Sunday would be out as it would be Monday morning.

Capt Paul

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17 years 4 months ago #5286 by jetjerry

What the NA really means is that the descent profile needed for the distance/time/speed remaining does NOT meet TERPS criteria. (official FAA guidelines) for such things therefore the only thing that can be legally listed is Circle-To-Land MDA.
Note the "M" point is 1.7 NM from the RWY end, and the min vis for the app is 2nm. You don't see the rwy environment at "M" (1.7nm) you go Missed. Also, if you have only the min 2nm vis, then you'd need to stay within 2nm of the airport while circling in order for it to remain in sight. Not always an easy task with a big airplane!

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17 years 4 months ago #5288 by YETIV8R
A-ha. Me see.


I see that the procedure turn is not mandatory (full arrow), so I'm assuming :-O , you come in straight, fly pass the TNT VOR (provided vis is higher than min), fly over the runway, do a left circle to land on runway 01.

It makes sense now. So, both the aircraft on the videos are doing a 2NM circle to land? Would that statement be correct?



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17 years 4 months ago #5289 by SPA118
Count me in guys. I'm assuming it's going to be on Sunday? Usual time (1500Z)?

Eric M. Eder, SPA118
Miami Hub Manager
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