Goodies from the training department

13 years 10 months ago #11157 by YETIV8R

I sometimes like to drop some interesting questions or some challenging approaches here in the forum. This time I have a couple of questions regarding the sectional charts.

1: What does "RP 10R 28R" mean?

2: What does "122.1R" mean?

Your participation is highly appreciated. 8-)


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13 years 10 months ago #11158 by SPA118
For question 1, I think RP means right traffic at runways 10R and 28R.

Question 2, I have no idea. I'll leave that one to a professional.

P.S. What do I get if I'm correct on question 1? :-P

Eric M. Eder, SPA118
Miami Hub Manager
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13 years 10 months ago #11159 by YETIV8R
Nice one Eric. RP stands for Right Pattern, which is Right Traffic. :-D

Let's see what you get...I am still thinking and nothing coming out of this thick hair. :-D

Thank your for participating.


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13 years 10 months ago #11166 by carllsn8
Very good questions! By transmitting on 122.1and listening on the vor frequency a pilot can talk to Flight Service. Really helpful when you are out in the bonnies at low altitude. Most communications are line-of-sight. :-)

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13 years 10 months ago #11169 by YETIV8R
Right on Jimar and Carllsn8.

You would announce on 122.1:
'CRG FSS, your callsign, transmitting on 122.1, Receiving on CRG VOR 114.5,.....'

But as in this example, you also have other two frequencies that do not have R after them. It simply means that it can transmit and receive on the same frequency. You would still have to announce your transmitting and receiving frequency.

Thank you all for participating and hope this helped others as well.

Happy Spring.


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