SPA ACARS Verson 1.1 Released

9 years 6 months ago #12674 by jer029
The latest version is out there. Note: This is the same download file as before ( Just redownload the zip file, unzip and copy the contents into your working SPAACARS folder, replace all old files in that folder.

The correct version will have Ver 1.1 listed in the "about" menu option from the main menu and at the top of the User Manual available with the "help" menu option.

I just gave it a good run from KMSP to KORD and it worked well for me. I think most of the serious issues (if there were any) are cleared up now.

As always let me know of problems, questions and suggestions in this forum.


V 1.1 Enhancments
Replaced lat-lon (position handling) with more stable function
Prevent user access to Main Application Window until ini file is selected
Plane Crash stops logging and prevents sending of log but allows save to text file
Land status recognition delayed until speed less than 30 Kts
Duration updated after landing so it can be saved to text file
Prevents program crash if Manual.pdf is removed from working directory

The program will allow multiple takeoff and landings now while continuing to tally the various totals column (I believe).

<br /><br /><!-- editby --><br /><br /><em>edited by: jer029, Sep 11, 2015 - 03:00 PM</em><!-- end editby -->

John Rogers

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9 years 6 months ago #12677 by truebluefun
Okay i have to be missing it but where do I DL SPAACARS at?? :-?

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9 years 6 months ago #12678 by jer029
It's in the download->Enhancements->Utilities


John Rogers

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9 years 6 months ago #12679 by truebluefun
Thank you John :-D

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