Happy 15th Anniversary St. Paul Airlines

6 years 2 months ago #14983 by jer029
In 2019 SPA celebrates its 15th year of service. I've now updated the annual video (last year in pictures) to capture the various flights and activities of the past year (the video link is also on our main home page before logging in).

<a href="
" target="_blank">

Thank you to all pilots who contributed photos to the photo gallery, and to all pilots and managers for all the flights made and time spent here at SPA to make it another great year!<u></u><br /><br /><!-- editby --><br /><br /><em>edited by: jer029, Dec 26, 2018 - 04:10 PM</em><!-- end editby -->

John Rogers

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6 years 2 months ago #14984 by wschneid
Merry Christmas to you too.
Now for my problem. SPACARS has suddenly stopped working. It worked fine yesterday. We had a power outage last night and now it won't connect. I load the airplane and the flightplan, set the fuel and payload and then start up SPACARS 10.6, but the sim connect light stays red and the button for the flightplan stays grayed out. I tried re installing SPACARS, but that didn't do any good. Any ideas.


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6 years 2 months ago #14985 by jer029
Hey Bill,

Sounds like something might have happened to your FSUIPC when your power went out. You may want to check that FSUIPC is still working correctly, as that's what SPAACARS uses to connect with the Sim. The red connect light indicates no connection.


John Rogers

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6 years 2 months ago #14986 by airhogg
Happy New Year to all

Congrats to St Paul`s Airline on their 15th year in service. With all the Flights, Missions and Adventure Packs created by our Managers and of course our Webmaster, how can we not
believe this is not the No.1 Virtual Airline out there? Great job guys
Looking to do a lot of flying in the New Year again

SPA 439-Larry

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6 years 2 months ago #14987 by wschneid
Thanks for the reply. I think you're right about FSUIPC being the problem. It's been so long since I installed it (paid version), I've forgotten where it would be located. Any ideas?


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6 years 2 months ago #14988 by airhogg

l had the same problem one time, not being able to connect with the SPAACARS, l figured it was my FSUIPC, so l uninstall the one l had
and downloaded a new freeware version, and it`s been working ever since. Good luck


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