SPA Scenery
KSTP Airport

St. Paul Downtown Airport is located only five minutes from the business center of St. Paul. St. Paul Downtown Airport has been developed to meet the needs of corporate and business aviation. With a 6,711 ft. runway, instrument landing system, FAA control tower, restaurant and catering facilities, and several commercial fixed base operators providing a full range of services, St. Paul Downtown Airport is fully suited for business and corporate users.
Originally created for use in FS2002 for St. Paul based St. Paul Airlines (VA), this KSTP scenery also works great in FS9. All the hangars and buildings are custom tailored to suit St. Paul Airlines' services but the main passenger terminal stands as in the real life with photoreal textures.
Hope you enjoy this scenery.
Naresh K Gurung
St. Paul Airlines (VA)
Denver Airport FSX-2009
Florida Scenery file for FSX/P3D for Florida Sightseeing Charter Flight
MN sightseeing file for fsx/p3d default scenery installations
MN sightseeing scenery for p3d/fsx with orbx global/vector installations.
Howland Island - MSFS-FS2020
This zip file contains two folders needed to fly the Howland Island Leg of the Ameila Earhart Round the World Tour in MSFS-FS2020:
Both folders need to be placed into your Community Folder for MSFS/FS2020.
This is the main scenery folder created by Aaron Berg.
This folder adds the NDB to Howland Island:
ADF Freq: 400
Code: 2S . . _ _ _ . . .
Range: 75NM
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