Events Calendar

Larry's Wed Group Flight & Social Hour
Wednesday, February 05, 2025, 07:30pm - 09:00pm
Hits : 171796
Contact Larry Chew - SOP Manager This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
These flights will be regularly every Wednesday night at 7:30pm CDT (12:30am UTC). There will be more notice just prior to the start of these flights, but
it's important to understand that these are basically 2-hour events. Pilots are free to join in any time during the flights. Informal chatter on our Teamspeak channel among pilots will take place throughout the flights - no ATC communication protocol or special pilot knowledge is required. Pilots viewing the homepage will be able to see active pilots flying these multi-player flights - both on the active
flight map and on the Teamspeak channel displays. Pilots who aren't flying with us at the moment can always drop in to the Teamspeak channel to say hello and join in the informal banter where we discuss all things flight-related - including latest simulator add-ons and updates, and even non-flight topics. It's really a fun social gathering and a great way to get to know your fellow pilots.
Location Online
We use Teamspeak and JoinFS
Location Online