S.P.A.Training Division

Flt No. TN8906

Aircraft: BE-1900

Location: Washington Dulles, VA (KIAD)

Weather: Clear, Visibilty 20mi

Losing an engine on a twin during the cruising segment of a flight is an emergency, albeit benign compared to losing one during takeoff. During this flight, we will examine the proper procedures for handling this type of emergency. Our objective is to learn the general mechanics of responding to this type of emergency in a twin-engine aircraft and to learn the keystrokes in MSFS to operate comfortably on one when there is supposed to be two.

To setup this flight, set the weather for good VMC on a nice summer day at Washington Dulles, holding short of runway 19L. Have the BE-1900 up and running through the run-up portion of the checklists. We're going to fly an oversized left traffic pattern around 19L and lose our left engine on downwind. We are going to actually shut it down, feather it, and land on one engine only.

Before taxiing out to the centerline, let's do a couple things. First, let's tune NAV1 to the ILS for RWY 19L.(I-SGC 110.1) We'll be coming back to this runway for landing and that will save us a distraction later. Also set the HSI to the final approach course of 190°. Second, in case we stray too far away, let's also set NAV2 to Armel VOR. (AML 113.5) That can help us find our way home if we need it.

Let's do a feather check one more time before we leave.

You're cleared for takeoff RWY 19L. Let's go...

Once you've stabilized the climb, turn left to heading 100°. Again, this will be an oversized traffic pattern so you don't need to hurry the turn to downwind. We're going to level off at 4000. OK, turn left to heading 010°. Continue climbing to 4000 if necessary and level off. We can shut off thelanding light and autofeather now. There's Dulles off our left wing - let's throttle back to about 40% TRQ and hold 4000. The airspeed should settle in around 180 KIAS. Retrim the aircraft for the new speed. Hold heading 010° and 4000 feet.


To fail an engine, we simply cut the fuel flowing to it with the mixture control. We will use these keystrokes when we are ready:


Tap "E" then "1" in quick succession.
Hold down CTRL+SHIFT+F2 until the engine stops.
Tap "E" then "1" then "2" in quick succession.


Tap "E" then "2" in quick succession.
Hold down CTRL+SHIFT+F2 until the engine stops.
Tap "E" then "1" then "2" in quick succession.

Immediately upon sensing engine failure, the following steps are expected tobe performed from rote memory - they should be performed in as expeditious amanner as possible without sacrificing accuracy. Review the next steps before failing an engine.

  1. Prop - Full Forward CTRL+F4
  2. Throttle - Full Forward F4
  3. Landing Gear - Retract G
  4. Flaps - Retract F5
  5. Pitch - to remain above blue line on Airspeed Indicator - this step is not really a significant event at cruise, but it is crucial during other engine failure flight conditions and since this to be done from memory it is included here to not bog your mind down with endless variations on a theme.
  6. Determine - which engine has failed - gauges & co-pilot
  7. Feather dead engine - Prop control to Feather - Follow instructions in narrative
  8. Bank - 5° into operative engine
  9. Advise ATC of Emergency and assistance required
  10. Go to Checklist

We will fail the left engine for this demonstration. Perform the abovesteps for LEFT ENGINE FAILURE and then perform the above checklist through step6 .

Now stop and catch your breath. It actually flies pretty well on just one engine doesn't it? While you're at it, check your heading and altitude. Since we have full throttle on the good engine, we may be climbing.  You need tomake a Pilot-in-Command decision here about what really is going to happen next. Assess the terrain, weather and current aircraft performance and flight rules you are operating under.  For now, you are in VMC (Visual Meteorological Conditions) and you can guide your way back down to 4000 and 010° with the stick  Let's get to work on feathering that dead engine.

Verify the inoperative engine - Dead Foot = Dead engine - confirm this withthe engine instruments.

If left engine dead type "E" then "1" or if right enginedead type "E" then "2"


  1. Throttle to IDLE F1
  2. Condition lever to CUTOFF CTRL+SHIFT+F2 Hold until completely closed
  3. Prop Control to FEATHER CTRL+F2 Hold until completely closed
  4. Set the fuel crossfeed from Dead to Good
  5. Dead Engine Generator OFF

Call Dulles tower and declare an emergency - We'll tell them who we are, where we are, and what we would like to do. If they give us a frequency change for communications we'll honor that and for anything else we'll tell them to standby.

"Dulles Tower Delta One Niner Zero Sierra Papa is 7 miles Northeast - 4000 feet type BE-1900 with engine failure - we want to land One Nine Left and we are declaring an emergency."

"Delta One Niner Zero Sierra Papa Dulles Tower cleared to land runway of your choice - remain on this frequency."

Don't let the harried communications of the poor controller frantically steering around all the other traffic distract you. Now let's save the good engine that we have.

Type "E" then "1" or "2"to control the good engine.


Leave the settings to control the good engine only from here on out. We're all done with the bad one.

Now is a cool time to go out and look at the airplane in spot view. There we are with only one burner going - Impressive huh?

Let's begin a descent down to 2000 and turn to heading 280°. A rough baseleg. We should still have the ILS, but if we've wandered too far then turn direct AML until we get the ILS back. If we have the ILS then use the localizer to get aligned with the runway as soon as we can. Normally, we'd turn directly to the airport as we may not know what caused the first engine failure and our trust in the one still running has probably become more suspect. Since we haven't explored going around on one engine we're going to have to make this approach and landing on the first try. Let's give ourselves plenty of time to get a solid stabilized approach. Because we're in VMC let's also make the approach a little higher than the glideslope. Maybe shoot for 140 KIAS with 10° of flaps and about 700-750 fpm on the VSI. You'll notice that reducing the thrust also reduces the yawing tendencies. We could have used rudder trim to offset it initially, but since we were close enough to the airport it probably wasn't worth the effort. We'd only have to undo it now.

Once we are inside the outer marker get the landing gear down and verify three green. It should be pretty much old hat from here. Just make sure you have enough glide to make the runway. Gunning the throttle open on the good engine is strictly a no-no at this phase. As long as you are above blue line, a gentle application of power is permissible.

Land on the main gear and hold the yoke back while the nosewheel setsdown.  Once the nosewheel is down raise the flaps for effective braking if needed. Make sure you don't hit the gear switch by accident. We have plenty of runway - although thrust reverse seems to work like normal if you need to cheat- use all the runway you need. Brake only if necessary towards the end. Dulles has the high-speed taxiway exits available. Once you are stopped, you may need a tow. You may not be able to taxi with much success with one engine...

Speaking of engines, here come some with flashing lights now...