Aircraft: BE-1900
Weather: 4000 Overcast, Visibility 3mi, Wind Calm
Depart ICT on any runway, turn direct toHUT VOR (Hdg 300 till receiving). From over HUT proceed to DDC VOR via V10 ( HUT 257 radial till 50 miles west, then the DDC 076 radial (256 inbound). Climb to 12000 feet.
APPROACH: VOR RWY 14 (at DDC) > correlate with approach plate
1. At 2 miles East of the DDC VOR, turn right to Hdg 333 & join the 333 radial outbound & continue descending to 4200 feet.
2. At 4 DME (North of DDC VOR), turn right Hdg 018 & flyfor 1 minute. Then turn left to Hdg 198 & lower flaps to position 1.
3. Set your VOR NAV radio to the inbound course of 153 degrees. Slow to approach speed, and when the VOR needle starts to move, turn left and join the 333 radial (153 inbound) and descend to 4100 feet when established.
4. Crossing the VOR, lower landing gear, and select flaps to position 2, start a 500 fpm descent to 3000 feet (MDA).
5. At 2.9 DME past DDC VOR you should see the airport. Follow the VASI.
6. When landing assured, select landing flaps.
Caution: Final approach course does not line up with centerline of runway.
The picture below is how the flight path should look.