
Flt No. TN8900A:
Aircraft: BE-350 (King Air) –SPA livery is available.
Location: Red Wing, MN (KRGK).
Weather: Clear, Visibility 20mi.
I would like to stress that this program is voluntary.
You may do all, any part, or none of it. It is your choice. If you decide not
to fly these flights now...please remember they are available for future
SPA would like to start your Virtual Airline career as a CAT 1 aircraft
pilot. These aircraft are found on the "Download" page St. Paul Airlines Aircraft.
NOTE: The lesson plan below is written using the BE-350, however
it may be flown using any CAT 1 aircraft.
Once you have the aircraft loaded into your flight simulator program,
learn to handle the aircraft properly by flying each flight as many times as
YOU feel are necessary to achieve the degree of proficiency you desire.
NOTE: Do not use FS ATC function.
Training Articles:
(Requires Adobe Reader)
DOWNLOAD TRAINING ARTICLE : Basic Navigation Concepts
DOWNLOAD TRAINING ARTICLE : Interpreting Instrument Approach Plates
: Introduction to ILS
This flight will take you from Redwing, MN (KRGK) to Saint Paul
Downtown-Holman Field (KSTP). KSTP is the airline headquarters airport.
Start this flight from any parking area
(Condition Levers - LOW for Taxi).
Taxi to and depart Redwing from RWY 27
(Condition Levers - HIGH for take-off).
Use weather set to clear and visibility set
to 20 miles.
Set wind to calm.
Conditions for additional flights of this
trip are listed at the bottom of this page.
Turboprop airplanes and how they taxi:
Condition Lever LOW (Ground Ops).
Condition Lever HIGH (Flight Ops).
- A turboprop airplane
should be taxied with the "condition levers" in
"Ground" (LOW) position. To accomplish this in FlightSim you use the "Mixture Controls".
- If this procedure is not
used your airplane may taxi much faster than it should.
- Use your mouse to slide
the condition Levers to the proper position.
"condition levers" are not set to HIGH prior to take-off you may
crash off the end of the runway.
- The degree of difficulty encountered
from Condition Levers/Taxi Speed depends on who developed the aircraft you
fly. Some are realistic and some
are not.
Route of Flight:
· Shown in red on the chart below.

Departure Setup:
- Complete your cockpit
setup, including the before takeoff checklist.
- Set your course selector
to: 323 degrees (this is the inbound course for the ILS RWY 32 approach at
- Set the altitude alert to
2500 feet (good practice even if hand flying).
- Make sure your heading
"bug" is set to 295 degrees.
- Set elevator trim to
center position.
- Pitot
heat to "ON".
- Auto-feather switch to

Radio Setup:
- Com Radios set.
- MKB to "ON".
- NAV #1 to 111.5 (ILS).
- NAV #2 to 115.3 (msp).
- ADF to 385 (LOM).
- Transponder as required.

- Advance power to 50% TRQ.
- Release brake.
- Smoothly advance power to
90%…it should balloon up to 100% (adjust if necessary).
- V1 = 105 kts (decision speed).
- Vr
= 110 kts (rotation speed - smoothly, to about
10 degrees nose up attitude).
- V2 = 117 kts (takeoff safety speed - the aircraft can now fly
on ONE engine).
- Try to remain on runway
Turn After Take-Off:

- When you have a positive
rate of climb = retract the landing gear.
- At 400 feet above runway
height, reduce power to 90% TRQ.
- Hold 10 degrees nose up
- Allow airspeed to slowly
increase (160-170 kts).
- “TRIM” to reduce stick
- Leaving 1000 feet AGL
(1700 feet MSL) > select autopilot - "ON" (Hdg & ALT).
- Verify the aircraft is now
turning to heading 295.
- Level at 2500 feet.
- Turn Auto-Feather – OFF.
- Reduce power to 80% TRQ
(speed should stabilize about 220 kts).
- Set prop RPM to 1600.
- When the LOC becomes
active (shows on HSI).

- NOTE: When the ADF needle (red) aligns with
the course needle (green), then you are lined up on the LOC course. (IF-you have the inbound course set
- If you are flying a
Coupled Approach (Select APPR Mode on the autopilot) Then the autopilot
will capture the localizer, and track it inbound.
- If you are hand flying,
then watch for the localizer needle to start moving, then
start your turn to 323 degrees.
- Review the Missed Approach
procedure again.
- At 11 DME, reduce power to
30% TRQ (looking for about 140 kts-slowly).


Note: A better copy
of this chart can be printed from the USA chart section of the SPA pilot
lounge: http://www.myairplane.com/databases/approach/index.php
- When the GS (glide slope)
moves off the top peg, select flaps to position one (App). May not
apply for some airplanes.

- Turn Auto-Feather “ON”.
- When the GS (glide slope)
is ˝ dot above center, Lower the Landing Gear -
speed will decrease further to about 125.

- When the GS captures, and
you start downhill, reduce power to 20% TRQ & lower Flaps to “APP”.
At 1000 feet AGL: (1700 MSL):

- At 1000 feet - Reset HDG
bug to 010 (in case of a missed approach - note this is not the inbound
ILS course).
- Increase prop RPM to FULL
- slowly to avoid surge.
- Perform Instrument cross
check - make sure all looks good and correct.
At 300 feet AGL:
- At 300 feet AGL (1000 feet
MSL) lower flaps to FULL – if landing is assured.
- Reduce power to 10 - 15%
- Target landing speed is
109 kts.
- Turn OFF auto-pilot prior
to 200 feet above ground level to avoid oscillations.
- TRIM - watch the
Glide-Slope & Airspeed.
- Stay lined up with the
runway centerline.
- FLARE (TRIM will help
- Land slightly nose up;
reverse engines, and apply brakes as necessary.
- Come out of reverse prior
to 40 kts, and turn off the runway.
- Perform the after landing
check list.

Repeat this flight with the following variations:
Flt No. TN8900B - Repeat the flight with clear wx,
and hand fly the airplane.
Flt No. TN8900C - Repeat the flight, with wx
set to 2000 feet MSL on the FS scale, and 3 miles visibility and let the
autopilot fly again. Watch how it goes.
Flt No. TN8900D - Hand fly again, with wx at
Flt No. TN8900E - Hand fly with wx at 2000/3.
Note: These five flights are counted as PIREP time. Please send a PIREP
for each (from the SPA home page) to your HUB Manager. If you fly any of the
above flights more than once please add the appropriate number behind the
Flight letter (Example > TR8900A2 etc.), this will denote the second time to
fly this trip.
you for flying with S.P.A.
Keep the dirty side down
Questions or comments may be forwarded to Jerry Allen: grumpyjerry@hotmail.com
Suggested additional flight training: