S.P.A.Training Division

Flt No. SP8915
Aircraft: B-767
Location: Forbes Air Force Base - Topeka, KS (KFOE)
Weather: 1000 Overcast, Visibilty 3mi, Wind calm.
S.P.A. Senior Captain Checkride
To demonstrate proficiency in:
FOE (Forbes AFB>Topeka, KS.) to Salina, KS. (VOR= 117.1) inbound on SLN 075°R / 23DME ARC South / ILS RWY 35 ( 108.9 / 353° INB.)
12,000FEET / 40DME East of SLN VORTAC / 3200 feet
- Depart FOE on runway 31 & fly HDG 290 / SLN-075R...track inbound
- When level at 12,000 feet, fly speed of 300 kts ind.
- At 40DME start descent to3200 feet
- Reduce speed to 250kts before descending below 10,000 feet
- At 26 DME, turn left to a HDG of 170° to join the 23 DME ARC South.
- When level at 3200 feet, reduce to 230 kts.
- Set NAV # 1 to the ILS freq. (108.9) and set crs selector to the LOC inbound of 353°.
- When the RMI NAV # 2(set to SLN VORTAC) tail points to 150, lower flaps 1° & slow to 200 kts.
- The "lead radial" (when you start your turn to intercept the LOC) is 170°...when you see this on NAV # 2 tail, turn to a HDG of 325° to join the LOC. Select "App Mode".
- When the LOC starts to move, lower flaps to position 5°, and slow to 180 kts
- When GS is one dot above center, lower Ldg gear and fly a normal ILS.
Missed Approach:
At an altitude of 1500 feet execute a MA
Climb to 3000 feet (Note: MA on approach plate)
Proceed direct to SLN VOR and HOLD ( North on the 003° Radial / Right Turns)
- Go around power
- Flaps...Up to next position
- At positive rate of climb...gear up
- Flaps up on schedule...leave 5° down, & accelerate to only 180 to 190 kts. Holding speed is 175 kts.
Holding Entry:
- You'll be approaching the VOR on about a 360° HDG, so when you pass the VOR, turn left to a heading of 333° & proceed out for 10 DME, then turn right & join the 003° Radial (inbound Hdg will be 183°) This is a TEARDROP entry Be sure to be at 3000 feet & slowed to 175 kts.
KSLN NDB 35 Approach plate
- Make 2 turns in Holding, then follow the transition route to the NDB ( VOR 177° Radial / 14.7 nm)
- Climb to 3200 feet (note: approach plate)
- Reaching the NDB...note the one minute Holding pattern...this is mandatory when so published (unless radar vectored).
- This time you'll do a "PARALLEL" ENTRY"
- Passing the NDB fly bearing 173° for one minute.
- Turn left & fly direct to the NDB ( maneuvering side = side of the race track)
- Passing the NDB, turn right and fly outbound (173) for one minute from passing abeam the NDB.
- Start timing your one minute from the time you are abeam the NDB outbound.
- After the one minute, turn right to join the 353° bearing inbound and execute an NDB approach.
Welcome To Salina, Kansas!
MDA will be 1740 feet
At 150 kts your time to MAP is 2:17
Rate of descent = feet to descent divided by time inbound.
3200 feet - 1273 [field elevation] = 1927 to descend divided by 2.3 minutes [150 kts] = 838 FPM descent.
This is a difficult lesson - you are welcome to fly it in stages if you prefer. If you have any questions, e-mail me. Anthony McKay, the Training Department Manager.