TAF KPIT 091730Z 091818 15005KT 5SM HZ FEW020 WS010/31022KT FM1930 30015G25KT 3SM SHRA OVC015 TEMPO 2022 1/2SM +TSRA OVC008CB FM0100 27008KT 5SM SHRA BKN020 0VC040 PROB40 0407 1SM -RA BR FM1015 18005KT 6SM -SHRA OVC020 BECMG 1315 P6SM NSW SKC METAR KPIT 091955Z COR 22015G25KT 3/4SM R28L/2600FT TSRA OVC010CB18/16 A2992 RMK SLP045 T01820159 |
Forecast | Explanation | Report |
TAF | Message type: TAF-routine or TAFAMD-amended forecast, METAR-hourly,SPECI-special or TESTM-non-commissionedASOS report | METAR |
KPIT | ICAO location indicator | KPIT |
091730Z | Issuance time: ALL times in UTC "Z",2-digit date, 4-digit time | 091955Z |
091818 | Valid period: 2-digit date,2-digit beginning,2-digit ending times | |
| In U.S. METAR: CORrected ob; orAUTOmated ob for automatedreport with no human intervention;omitted when observer logs on | COR |
15005KT | Wind: 3 digit true-north direction,nearest 10 degrees (or VaRiaBle);next 2-3 digits for speed and unit,KT (KMH or MPS); as needed,Gust and maximum speed; 00000KT for calm;for METAR, if direction varies60 degrees or more, Variability appended,e.g. 180V260 | 22015G25KT |
5SM | Prevailing visibility: in U.S., StatuteMiles & fractions; above 6 miles in TAFPlus6SM. (Or, 4-digit minimum visibilityin meters and as required, lowest valuewith direction) | 3/4SM |
| Runway Visual Range: R; 2-digit runway designatorLeft, Center, or Right as needed;"/"; Minus or Plus in U.S,4-digit value, FeeT in U.S.(usually meters elsewhere);4-digit value Varialbility 4-digit value(and tendency Down, Up or No change) | R28L/2600FT |
HZ | Significant present, forecast andrecent weather: see table(below) | TSRA |
FEW020 | Cloud amount, height and type: SKyClear 0/8, FEW >0/8-2/8,SCaTtered 3/8-4/8, BroKeN 5/8-7/8,OVerCast 8/8; 3-digit height in hundreds of ft;Towering CUmulus or CumulonimBus inMETAR; in TAF, only CB.Vertical Visibility for obscured sky andheight "VV004". More than 1 layer may be reportedor forecast. In automated METAR reports only, CLeaRfor "clear below 12,000 feet" | OVC010CB |
| Temperature: degrees Celsius; first 2 digits,temperature "/" last 2 digits, dew-point temperature;Minus for below zero, e.g., M06 | 18/16 |
| Altimeter setting: indicator and 4 digits; in U.S.,A-inches and hundredths; (Q-hectoPascals, e.g. Q1013) | A2992 |
WS010/31022KT | In U.S. TAF, non-convective low-level(<=2,000 ft)Wind Shear; 3-digit height (hundreds of ft);"/", 3-digit wind direction and 2-3 digit wind speedabove the indicated height, and unit, KT | |
| In METAR, ReMarK indicator& remarks. For example:Sea-Level Pressure inhectoPascals & tenths, as shown: 1004.5 hPa;Temp/dew-point in tenths °C, as shown:temp 18.2°C, dew-point 15.9°C | RMKSLP045T01820159 |
FM1930 | FroM and 2-digit hour and 2-digitminute beginning time: indicates significant change.Each FM starts on a new line, indented 5 spaces. | |
TEMPO 2022 | TEMPOrary: changes expected for < 1 hour and intotal, < half of 2-digit hour beginning and2-digit hour ending time period | |
PROB40 0407 | PROBability and 2-digit percent (30 or 40): probablecondition during 2-digit hour beginning and2-digit hour ending time period | |
BECMG 1315 | BECoMinG: change expected during 2-digithour beginning and 2-digit hour endingtime period | |