Speeds will be different for each model of aircraft, and different
weights for the same aircraft.
This procedure will be used at all airports to standardize takeoff procedures and can
 be used with both normal and reduced thrust takeoffs.
1. When clearance is received for takeoff, scan annunciator panel and taxi to runway.
   Set the heading bug on the runway heading as an aid in maintaining directional control
   in the event an engine fails after V1.
2. When turning into takeoff position, smoothly advance throttles so that the engine
   bleeds are closed when lined up on the runway. Scan engine instruments for abnormal
   indications. Continue advancing the throttles until reaching takeoff EPR. Set power
   by 60 knots. NOTE: The EPR rise that occurs above T .0. power setting during takeoff
   roll must be trimmed out by 60 kts as this rise is not acceptable.
3. Apply forward column pressure as necessary to retain good steering and a smooth 
   riding nose wheel. Especially on wet or slushy runways, the forward column pressure
   should be reduced to minimum by approximately 70 kts (start of tire hydroplaning).
   This will decrease the possibility of water ingestion and compressor stall and help
   rotation to be smoother at Vr .
4. At Vr, initiate a smooth, steady up elevator movement requiring a positive pull force
   and a five second interval to rotate to an approximate 15° pitch attitude. On the -50,
   a seven second interval to rotate to an approximate 20° pitch attitude will be
   necessary.  CAUTION: Early or over rotation can cause the tail to strike the runway.
5. With a positive rate of climb indicated on the altimeter, position the gear up.
   Continue the climb to 1000' AFL (above field level) at Minimum V2 airspeed / maximum
   15°(20° on -50)pitch attitude accepting an airspeed greater than V2 when it occurs.
   No turns to be made below 300' AFL. Above 300' AFL the maximum bank angle is 15 °
   dirty or clean until reaching BSEC (Best Single Engine Climb speed), and then
   maximum bank angle is 30° .
6. At 1,000' AFL, lower the nose to approximately 10° pitch attitude to allow the
   aircraft to accelerate. At an airspeed of V2+10 kts, set flaps to zero. Allow the
   aircraft with slats, to further accelerate to V2 +35 kts, and retract the slats while
   climbing to 3000' AFL.
7. After flaps are zero, and on applicable DC-9's the slats are retracted, accelerate to
   BSEC. When reaching BSEC, set power to 1.6 EPR (1.7 EPR on -50). NOTE: During adverse
   conditions the power may be left at takeoff setting (not to exceed 5 minute
   limitation) or may be reduced to climb power .
8. At 3000' AFL resume normal climb power, accelerating to 250 kts at 500' to 1000' per
   minute climb rate. Climb at 250 kts to 10,000' MSL and at 290 kts/.72M above 10,000'
   MSL. At high gross weights, transitioning from 290 kts to. 75 mach will provide
   optimum fuel savings.

Maintain maximum climb power during climb and acceleration to cruising airspeed.
 Depending on the aircraft type, this is usually around 290 knots up to about FL 200
 then transition to Mach Number of between .65 and .75.
Initial cruise power setting may be read from quick reference information charts if you
 have them available.  If not, most jets cruise between mach .72 and .84 - again
 depending on the aircraft.
For a straight-in landing with zero wind use the 3x1 descent ratio.
 I.E. > If at FL310 > start your descent about 93nm from the runway end of intended
 landing. Remember to subtract the field elevation. I.E. > DEN = FL310-50=26x3=78 miles
 out. Rate of descent should be between 1500 - 2000 fpm. at flight idle power.  The
 start down point will need to be adjusted for wind > dogleg approach > ATC restrictions
 etc as well.
Most ATC controllers will require you to cross about 30 miles from the airport at either
 10,000 or 11,000 feet.  Some will require 250 kts at the mileage fix also.
 Keep track of how well you are doing during the descent using the same rule:
 >At 25,000 feet above field - should be 75 miles out.
 >At 20,000 feet above filed - should be 60 miles out.
 >At 15,000 feet above field - should be 45 miles out. etc.
Determine aircraft landing weight from the fuel totalizer gauge. If the totalizer is
 inoperative, or unavailable subtract fuel consumed by both engines from the ramp gross
 weight. If a traffic pattern is required, it will normally be flown at 1500 feet AGL
 on downwind leg with the in-range check complete. Position wing flaps to 15" (?) and
 allow airspeed to bleed to 1.4 x Vs + 10 kts for this configuration. When turning base
 leg, place gear down and complete landing checklist. Turning on final approach,
 position wing flaps to 40" /50" .When bank angle is less than 15" , establish airspeed
 on Vref + wind additives.
 Join the LOC between 5 to 15 nm out from the OM - depending on the complexity of the
 aircraft being flown. In a CRJ or F-28, 5 nm from the OM will work fine if slowed to
 200 or so at that point. If flying a B-747, then intercept the LOC about 15 nm from
 the OM with enough flaps extended to be slowed to at least 220 at the 15 mile point.
 It takes longer to configure a heavier, more complex aircraft.
 If you do not know what altitude to intercept the Glideslope at (just prior to the OM)
 then use1600 feet above field elevation.
 >>> KNOW YOUR Vref SPEED >>>Vref_________

When the main gear touches, the spoilers will extend (if armed), but may not immediately
 extend if the runway is wet or slippery because of lack of wheel spin up. Spoilers must
 then be extended manually. Pull throttle reverse levers immediately to interlock stop
 position while simultaneously lowering the nose to the runway. Reverse thrust power may
 be trimmed to 80% N1. Upon reaching 70 kts, gradually reduce reverse thrust so as to
 reach reverse idle detent position by 60 kts. Leave throttles in reverse idle detent
 until forward thrust is needed however, they must be stowed before turning off the
 runway.  Raise flaps to zero after you exit the active runway.
The takeoff and landing picture profiles are taken from a B-767 hand book.  The text is
 taken from a DC-9 book.  Notice: With older underpowered aircraft (DC-9 & B-727 etc.)
 the takeoff profile will usually be flown at V2 speed, or V2+10.  With your heavier
 well powered aircraft like the B-767 it is usually flown at V2+15.  In all cases it is
 best to know the specific pitch attitude needed for each airplane during rotation:
 i.e. > DC-9-30=15° > DC-9-50=20° etc.
 These minor differences are a result of studies from the manufacturer and the company
 operations manuals.

Yet another discussion about jets

This one is for the brave hearts of the Flight Sim world that take on the challenge of flying jets. Most people quit as they keep on crashing, and then revert to lighter and slower variety.
As I go on, I will divide the write up into numbered paragraphs, rather than a continuity, in order to highlight and illustrate how and why jets are different, not tougher, to fly, than their propeller counterparts.


I would like to break the jet aircraft into three parts, the fuselage, swept back wings and the jet engine.

1. The Fuselage, or the tubular structure. Designed for speed and minimize drag, but where lies most of the weight and gets us to the first and most important difference between earlier generation airplanes – mass.

2. Secondly the Swept Back wing – once again optimized for speed .It brings along its own set of aerodynamic rules, and while predictable, still requires to be nurtured very carefully. It is designed for high speed - high altitude flight, so requires flaps to give it assistance in the low speed / low altitude regime .It is here that the drag really manifests itself as a formidable foe, and along with response times of a jet engine can be a handful to master in the learning stage.

3. And lastly, why we call it a jet – the Jet Engine itself, a marvelous invention with tremendous thrust to weight ratio, which provides all the “oomph”, we need. This kind of motor also has its own set of laws as far as handling goes. Most important to a pilot is “Spooling times”. Unlike a piston engine the delivery of thrust from a jet engine is “neither instantaneous nor proportional” to the lever movement .On the numbers, apply park brakes and “open” the thrust levers. Check out the time it takes to go to max N1.Once stabilized, bring them to idle and again note the time. Both figures should be between 8 to 10 seconds!!

Briefly, here are the “whys” of spooling times. The turbines are big and heavy, so when thrust levers are moved to demand more, fuel goes in to the combustion chambers. While the energy is produced it takes a few seconds for the engine to start turning quicker due inertia. Similarly, when reducing thrust, the massive turbines continue spinning, again due inertia, delivering thrust, and after a few seconds, begin dying down

One very important point, just because the engines are turning at 55% N1 does not mean you are getting 55% of its output. In fact it is lesser than that. As I said the thrust output is not proportional. The graph is not linear, so up to 60% maybe 50 percent output, up to 85% percent maybe 70 %, and thereafter crossing 90% is where all the “kick” lies .So if you ever find yourself in a thrust deficit situation, give it a handful. At low speeds drag increases also. The thrust increase has to take care of quite few things at one time, recover lost speed, and overcome ever-increasing drag, and the get over the inertia of a heavy and slowing down plane.


The first order differences between props and jets are size that is mass, speed and finally their the product - momentum.

1. MASS – As time went on planes became bigger carrying more people and ever increasing amounts of freight. Today’s jets carry fuel equal to or more than their own weight. So the aircraft when heavy behaves very differently compared to when light.

You can create this scenario and must check it out on the flight sim. Give yourself 10 percent fuel and a standard day; fly a circuit. Then on the next circuit, increase fuel to 100% on an ISA+30 day and fly another circuit … do you feel the difference!! Pity we cannot manipulate passengers and baggage on the sim .The same plane feels totally unique and almost like two different planes or ”type ratings “ on each circuit. This mammoth size also requires big control surfaces and hydraulic muscle to give us total control in the three planes.

2. SPEED – Without a doubt these machines are quick, and will get quicker … if the distance seems compressed, so is the time. Those on the flight deck need to think quickly. The ground is being eaten up anywhere between 2.5 to 8 nautical miles a minute depending on the phase of flight. “Never let the plane get you to a place your brain hasn’t been to 5 minutes before “ – they told me. This implies think ahead .For the slow coaches they coined another one – “he/she was so far behind the plane that if it crashed, he/she wouldn’t be in it!!” hee-haw…

3. MOMENTUM – the product of mass and speed

So am I going into equations or being mathematical. Well no. But the science of flying is a game of numbers …at least in the beginning. When one starts flying lessons, you are fed with numbers, speeds, rpms, flaps, altitudes, and then when you graduate onto jets, the theory still remains. You get a sheet of reference attitudes and thrust settings. 'Fly by numbers' they say.

Where flying becomes poetry in motion is how you achieve the changes in flight path. In a smooth deliberate way or chasing the needles, be it on the box or in the real world. Sure the sim has no seat of pants feel, nor sounds like the real thing, no smell, no g-force, the cockpit is alive as far as I am concerned with its own cues for you to sense, but to fly the real thing or the box, requires a certain finesse.

Prior to applying a control input, which may be control surface deflection or thrust, certain amount of anticipation will be required, that is staying ahead. For example, while coming up a level off altitude, the reference attitudes and thrust settings should be ready to apply.

Then when you do apply a control input, wait a while for the response, of the Jet that is. The plane has a lot of mass, a lot of speed. That means momentum. Any change required in flight path will take a while. Push and shove philosophies don’t work with jets. I will confess that there were times when the jet flew me, rather than the other way round. Simple -- I was anticipating and applying the correction, but was impatient for the response ... and therefore ended up over controlling and started porpoising -- going up and down like a roller coaster. These are called “pilot induced oscillations”. Mr. Momentum was responsible for this .If you are handling a biggie, he will always be around. When you change flight profile by adjusting attitude or thrust, give the plane time to react and settle down, and do not be in a hurry to change a stable and established flight path either. The transition period is very important. With experience it becomes second nature and is more easily achieved.


The fundamental equation of jet flying is --- ATTITUDE + POWER = PERFORMANCE. Remember this always. Let me elaborate.

1. First, -- the first part – ATTITUDE, to say the least, compared to the props, are greatly exaggerated. You deal with a whole range of them in various phases of flight. Right from 15 or 20 nose up on take off, to 4 degrees nose down in descent, and you better keep a strict watch on Attitude before it is termed as an “ unusual” one. Undoubtedly the attitude indicator becomes the primary reference instrument in any phase of flight.

2. Now the second part – POWER, somewhat the wrong term, it should be, and only be THRUST, as jet engine output is measured in pounds thrust, not horsepower … and you have a whole lot of it. As mentioned earlier the same plane behaves extremely differently when it is heavy, and a beast out of control when the plane is light, in real life it seems almost two different planes!!! The response of a jet engine is not proportional to thrust lever movement, so when increasing or decreasing thrust, think how much you need to move the lever, and pay great attention to the response time also.

3. PERFORMANCE – now combining the above two, here lies the difference from props. These planes are fast; watch not only the indicated airspeed, but also the groundspeed to take care of the lateral plane. And they can also move up and down the vertical plane pretty quick, that is climb and descend. So keep an eye on that IVSI (instantaneous vertical speed indicator).

Nail the attitude, set the thrust, and see if you get the desired result. If not, in a very refined manner fine-tune it, don’t go about chasing the speed or altitude or vertical speed you want – you will end up in a mess.

So know the figures of attitude and thrust required in the selected configuration for each phase of flight, and this coins the phrase – FLY BY NUMBERS.


Since it already seems that precise jet flying requires all the information you can acquire from the instruments, let me mention three fundamentals of instrument flying here.

1. Instrument Crosscheck
2. Instrument Interpretation
3. Aircraft Control

Plant these firmly in your mind, and you will never go wrong.

Pitch and Power

Staying with attitude and thrust gets us to another important aspect of jet aircraft handling. That is Pitch controls speed, and Power (thrust) controls rate of climb or descent. Change in Pitch is a change in attitude as seen on the attitude indicator, and power is any increase or decrease in thrust. I retain terminology of pitch and power as that is the way all books would explain the subject. Also you will hear varying views on what controls what from plenty of blokes flying around. But here is what I got to say. Both go together.

Lets assume you go below glide path. Well if you have excessive speed, just pitch up a degree and arrest your sink rate. If there is no extra speed, the increase in pitch, increases angle of attack, hence drag. So you momentarily arrest the sink, but when drag comes up, the plane will loose more speed and develop a sink rate once more. This has to be controlled by applying power. It is all a trade of between kinetic and potential energy. If the plane is in the air, you have both. So use both pitch and power in a coordinated manner. Sometimes you may need one, and not the other, and other times maybe both need a change. But once achieved, get back to original reference figures and the jet will settle down nicely .It all a matter of flying the drag curve in the region of reverse command.


Now Trimming - and here lies the secret of hand flying the plane, and flying it well -- I will try to explain it, as simple as it sounds. Trimming cannot be overemphasized in jets. They must be trimmed constantly.

A plane has 4 forces acting on it -- lift, weight, thrust and drag ... leave out thrust and drag for the moment. We deal with lift and weight. Weight acts through the Center of Gravity (CoG) vertically down, and is always ahead of the lift. Lift acts through the Center of Pressure (CoP), and vertically up. So both forces are acting through different points on the mean aerodynamic chord, with the CoG always ahead of the CoP by design. Why?? - Because if you loose engines, the airplane should pitch down, which is desirable obviously therefore a horizontal stabilizer is needed to balance or trim out this pitch down tendency in all other situations. In fact the lift produced by a wing is more than the weight of the aircraft. For example, Lift = Weight of a/c + the download on the tail.

Now if the airplane is out of trim, meaning the elevator / horizontal stabilizer combination is not countering and canceling the pitch down tendency, the plane will continue to go up and down like a “porpoise”. The airplane trims out nicely for a certain speed -- above or below this speed it is out of trim. The plane will never maintain the desired flight path or attitude.

Now tips on trimming - change power – trim / change attitude – trim / change speed - trim / change configuration – trim / c.g. changes due fuel consumption - trim...

If the plane is grossly out of trim -- can one fly it -- forget it, it will be the plane flying you around rather than the other way .A jet cannot be hand flown without it being in trim all the time, it would be hell of a task as forces involved would be tremendous and continuous. Constantly keep trimming so that the plane can be flown hands-off. This will also give you time to assess situational awareness. If you spend all your time scanning flight instruments, who will look at the navigation instruments for you? Think about it.

While flying around, as an exercise put the jet in a 30 degree bank .You will require to pitch up to compensate for lost lift, a lot of nose up trim will be required to maintain level flight and an increase in thrust to maintain speed. Try a few turns at various speeds and flap settings to get accustomed. Remember to get back to original pitch, trim and thrust setting when rolling out otherwise the plane would “balloon” out of control.

Trimming is of course possible in all three planes. For those boys and girls transitioning onto twins or jets in real life, this is how it goes. First trim off the elevator maintaining the speed you want to fly. Then trim of any rudder pressure, a slight slip or a big one in case one engine is inoperative, and the finally the aileron .So the order is elevator, rudder, aileron. In case the control wheel is twisted too much to one side, it implies lack of rudder trim. Apply more rudder trim in the same direction as control column twist and reduce aileron trim.

In MS flight sim, I like to keep my elevator trim sensitivity to a minimum. Each punch on my CH yoke buttons therefore give me a sort of delayed reaction, if you please, and does not raise or depress the nose like the elevator is supposed to.

In big jets, unlike smaller planes, human power is not enough to move the huge control surfaces at the type of speeds we are dealing with (dynamic pressure). (Ever tried holding out a 2 * 2 ft square board outside a car window when moving at 55 mph??) So you now understand the need for hydraulic muscle ... just like maneuvering a mini without power steering is no big deal, but do that with a 16-wheeler truck!!!!

This article dealt more with the philosophy behind jet handling. In the next write up, I intend to take up and tackle flight phases individually. We will make a table of reference attitudes and thrust settings, just as it is handed out in the real world, for your favorite jet.

I have tried to be as precise and careful as possible in stating facts. Any mistakes are all mine and therefore any critique, comment or suggestion from all and especially from those gentlemen handling "Heavy Metal" in the real world are welcome.