Constant Speed Props


Constant speed propellers are designed to maintain a constant engine RPM throughout

a variety of power settings. First we'll discuss why this is desirable and then discuss

how they work. Before that however, we need a brief background on what a propeller

is and how it works in general. A propeller is generally shaped like an airfoil and operates on

the exact same principle. The difference is that the propeller spins in the vertical plane and

because of its angle of attack, produces lift in a forward direction, part of which is thrust. As

the aircraft moves forward, the relative airflow from its forward motion acts to reduce the

angle of attack for a given pitch angle of the prop blade. So, how can we manipulate this to

better our performance?

In typical light aircraft with fixed-pitch propellers, we use RPM as our primary power gauge.

Moving the throttle forward increases combustion which in turns spins the drive shaft faster

increasing RPM and vice-versa. However, this is not the only scenario, which can change

engine RPM. When we begin a descent with a constant power setting, our RPM will increase

because our airspeed is increasing, thereby decreasing the angle of attack on the prop

blade. This decrease in angle of attack reduces the induced drag and allows the prop to spin

faster. If we gain too much airspeed, we can over speed the engine this way.

So, a fixed-pitch propeller forces us to continually monitor power settings to prevent

damaging the engine. So, we see now one advantage in a constant speed propeller. We can

set an RPM setting and the engine will work to maintain this throughout the flight envelope.

We've seen that in a fixed-pitch propeller, the effective angle of attack is continually

changing as airspeed changes. This means that our prop is only producing its optimal

performance at once speed and performance drops off on either side of this airspeed. Just

like a wing, the prop has one angle of attack at which it produces the most thrust with the

least amount of drag. Manufacturers frequently design fixed-pitch props to be specialized for

a specific operation. Banner towing, for instance, requires optimal climb thrust and rarely

reaches any significant speed, so those types of operations normally use climb props, props

with a low pitch/blade angle to allow for high RPM. What we'd like is to produce this optimal

angle of attack at any airspeed. We can't get optimal performance throughout our range of

airspeeds, but we can greatly increase our efficiency with the use of a constant speed prop.

In order to maintain the optimal angle of attack, we must be able to change the pitch of the

prop blade as airspeed increases. For this reason, constant speed props are also called

variable pitch.

Let's assume that we've just leveled off at cruise altitude and we're now accelerating to

cruise airspeed. As we go faster, our effective angle of attack decreases and the prop tries

to spin faster. The prop governing mechanism then opens the pitch of the blade, increasing

its angle of attack and keeping its original RPM. Were we to slow down, the effective angle

of attack on the blade would be increased and the prop would try to slow down. The prop

governor would then reduce the pitch of the blade, reducing the angle of attack and

allowing the prop to maintain RPM. Think of this as the difference between walking and

running. As you're walking along, you're taking fairly small steps. If you want to walk faster,

you need to either take larger steps or take more of them in the same time period. It's

more efficient to take larger and larger strides the faster you go. Try taking a lot of small

steps to walk across the room and then running in strides and see which gets you there

faster and with less spent energy. On the other side of this, when we're walking slowly, we

want to take small steps instead of large strides. Taking big strides at a slow pace requires

much more energy then normal size steps. It is possible to open up the prop pitch too much

in flight and start to reduce performance. Think of the constant speed prop as an "automatic

transmission" instead of a one speed. Our constant speed propeller gives us the effect of

having several different fixed-pitch efficiency curves with one system. Now, let's just review

a couple of operating procedures for the constant speed prop system. You'll notice that I

didn't go into the actual construction of the prop governor and then prop hub system, which

actually moves the prop blade in flight. Let's talk a bit about the flight

controls. Instead of just having a throttle, we now have a throttle and a propeller lever. Our

throttle now controls the manifold pressure, or in the case of a turboprop, the torque. Our

prop lever is used to set the actual prop RPM. As we've said above, for takeoff, we like to

have the prop set to the high RPM/low pitch setting. As we increase our airspeed, we want

to increase pitch/lower RPM. This allows us better efficiency at lower RPM, which in turn

burns less fuel and makes less noise.

You can then see what the most efficient prop setting is for a given airspeed. Remember

that it is possible to increase pitch too much and reduce performance. Typical props can

produce a bit more than 80% efficiency at their best.