Aviation Calculators

This calculator requires the use of Javascript enabled and capable browsers. It is to emulate some of the capabilities of the popular E6B flight computer. For distance between airports, try Flying Distances Between North American Airports calculator. If the airport you are seeking is not in our table, please drop a note to your hub manager or to management and we will add it, assuming we can find longitude and latitude information for it. For distance between specific longitude and latitude points, try Distances Between Longitude And Latitude Points calculator. Clearing the values will ONLY clear for that calculator so as to retain the other values for other calculations.

Wind Speed
Result can be either Knots or MPH based on consistent entry of the same designation.
Enter   Ground Speed
Enter   True Airspeed
Enter   Course
Enter   Heading
Calculated Wind Speed =
Wind Direction
Result can be either Knots or MPH based on consistent entry of the same designation.
Enter   Ground Speed
Enter   True Airspeed
Enter   Course
Enter   Heading
Calculated Wind Direction =
Heading, Ground Speed, And Wind Correction Angle
Result can be either Knots or MPH based on consistent entry of the same designation.
Enter   Wind Speed
Enter   Wind Direction
Enter   True Airspeed
Enter   Course
Calculated   Heading
Calculated   Ground Speed
Calculated   Wind Correction Angle
Course, Ground Speed, And Wind Correction Angle
Result can be either Knots or MPH based on consistent entry of the same designation.
Enter   Wind Speed
Enter   Wind Direction
Enter   True Airspeed
Enter   Heading
Calculated   Course
Calculated   Ground Speed
Calculated   Wind Correction Angle
Magnetic Variation
This calculator is specifically for the Continental USA only
Latitude (North Degrees)
Enter   - -
Longitude (West Degrees)
Enter   - -
Calculated Variation =
Magnetic Variation
This calculator is specifically for the Alaska region only
Latitude (North Degrees)
Enter   - -
Longitude (West Degrees)
Enter   - -
Calculated Variation =
Magnetic Variation
This calculator is specifically for the Western Europe region only
Latitude (North Degrees)
Enter   - -
Longitude (West Degrees)
Enter   - -
Calculated Variation =
Density Altitude
Enter   Pressure Altitude (Ft)
Enter   Actual Temperature
Calculated Density Altitude =
Runway Crosswinds
Enter    Runway Compass Heading
Enter    Wind (From) Compass Direction
Enter    Wind Speed In Knots or MPH
Calculated    Crosswind In Knots or MPH
Calculated    Forward Ground Speed Loss In Knots or MPH
Fahrenheit to Celsius
This conversion of temperature is made using the formula (Fahrenheit temperature * 9/5) + 32)
Enter   °F
Calculated Temperature = °C
Celsius to Fahrenheit
This conversion of temperature is made using the formula (5/9 * (Celsius temperature - 32))
Enter   °C
Calculated Temperature = °F
Wind Chill
Wind chill cannot be accurately calculated for outside air temperatures (OAT) greater that 50 °F (10 °C) and wind speeds less than 4 MPH (3.5 Knots).
Enter   Temperature (OAT) °F °C
Enter   Wind MPH Knots
Calculated Wind Chill = °F or °C
Heat Index
Determine the heat index from the outside air temperature (OAT) and Relative Humidity.
Enter   Temperature (OAT) °F °C
Enter   % Relative Humidity
Calculated Heat Index = °F or °C
Calculate the Dewpoint from the outside air temperature (OAT) and Relative Humidity
Enter   Temperature (OAT) °F °C
Enter   % Relative Humidity
Calculated Dewpoint = °F °C
Relative Humidity
Calculate the Relative Humidity from the outside air temperature (OAT) and Dewpoint
Enter   Temperature (OAT) °F °C
Enter   Dewpoint °F °C
Calculated Relative Humidity =  %
Pressure Conversion
Convert Millibars to Inches of Mercury and Inches of Mercury to Millibars
Enter   Millibars Inches Mercury
Converted Barometric Pressure =
Miles Per Hour To Knots
This conversion of speed (or distance) is made using the formula (Knots (or nautical miles) = MPH (or miles) * 0.86897624)
Enter   MPH or Statute Miles
Calculated Knots Or Nautical Miles =
Knots to Miles Per Hour
This conversion of speed (or distance) is made using the formula (MPH (or statute miles) = Knots (or nautical miles) * 1.15077945)
Enter   Knots or Nautical Miles
Calculated MPH or Statute Miles =
True Airspeed (TAS or KTAS)
Result can be either Knots or MPH based on consistent entry of the same designation. The formula is (IAS) + (.02 x MSL / 1000).
Enter   Indicated Airspeed
Enter   MSL Altitude
Calculated True Airpeed =