Juneau Center Regional Airline Activity

Juneau Center Group 1 Flights
Click on pilot name to see pilot's flight detail
Pilot Total Revenue Total Flights Avg Revenue
Rogers Air$103,385.3921$4,923.11
MOTOWN XPRESS$99,597.7621$4,742.75
Hoggs air$71,285.7221$3,394.56
Alaska Air Charter$61,773.4121$2,941.59
Llama Airways$44,060.139$4,895.57
Aklak Air$39,044.608$4,880.58
Northern Express$3,669.176$611.53
Total Revenue for Express Flights: $513,743.22

Juneau Center Group 2 Flights
Click on pilot name to see pilot's flight detail
Pilot Total Revenue Total Flights Avg Revenue
Hoggs air$26,881.7615$1,792.12
Rogers Air$18,638.6815$1,242.58
Alaska Air Charter$17,389.7915$1,159.32
Aklak Air$6,366.3312$530.53
Northern Express$1,667.203$555.73
Total Revenue for Express Flights: $83,022.36

Flight Detail for Aklak Air
Click on Pilot ID to see flight's Econ. data
Pilot Flight # Aircraft Date From Destination Duration Ttl PAX Ttl Cargo Landing Rate Hub Status
48600007DeHavilland DHC62024-04-06CYVRCYPR3.58650-372.94ECON
48600006 2024-03-30CYPRCYVR3.78440-308.35ECON
48600005 2024-03-24PAKTCYPR0.86300-364.48ECON
48600004 2024-03-23PAWGPAKT1.04425-376.78ECON
48600003DEHAVILLAND DHC22024-03-19PAJNPAWG1.65275-296.04ECON
48600002DeHavilland DHC62024-03-17PAFAPAJN4.212725268.36ECON
48600001DeHavilland DHC62018-03-25PANCPAFA1.710300-370.63ECON
48600000DeHavilland DHC62018-03-22PAJNPANC3.015650-306.04ECON