Tom Sawyer's & Huckleberry Finn's Great Mississippi River Adventure

In the 1876 novel "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", and later, "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" the boys had a number of adventures along the Mississippi River where they lived. This occurred in a fictional town in Missouri inspired by Hannibal Missouri.

While we won't exactly run away to start a new life as pirates as the boys did in the first book, we will extend their adventure, starting in Minnesota where the Mighty Mississippi begins and follow it down through Hannibal Missouri to Louisiana while making numerous visits to places along the way.

Flight Code Origin Destination Distance(NM) Orig Airport Dest Airport
900941KPKDKSAZ33.1Park Rapids Mun-KonshokStaples Mun
900942KSAZKLXL32.1Staples MunLittle Falls/Morrison Co, Lind
900943KLXLKSTC27Little Falls/Morrison Co, LindSt Cloud Regl
900944KSTCKANE43.1St Cloud ReglAnoka Co-Blaine
900945KANEKRGK45.5Anoka Co-BlaineRed Wing Regl
900946KRGKKONA45.3Red Wing ReglWinona Mun-Conrad
900947KONAKLSE22.8Winona Mun-ConradLa Crosse Mun
900948KLSEKPDC51.9La Crosse MunPrairie Du Chien Mun
900949KPDCC7420.2Prairie Du Chien MunCassville Mun
900950C74KSFY54.8Cassville MunTri-Township
900951KSFYKMLI40.1Tri-TownshipQuad-City Intl.
900952KMLIKMUT29.2Quad-City Intl.Muscatine Mun
900953KMUTKBRL35.1Muscatine MunSoutheast Iowa Regl
900954KBRLKEOK23.8Southeast Iowa ReglKeokuk Mun
900955KEOKKHAE44.1Keokuk MunHannibal Mun
900956KHAE3SQ68.4Hannibal MunSt Charles
9009573SQKALN21.4St CharlesSt Louis Regl
900958KALNKCPS19.9St Louis ReglSt Louis Downtown
900959KCPSKFES25St Louis DowntownFestus Meml
900960KFESK0231.5Festus MemlPerryville Mun
900961K0212LL26.6Perryville MunLambdins Field
90096212LLKCGI19.3Lambdins FieldCape Girardeau Regl
900963KCGIKCIR19.4Cape Girardeau ReglCairo Regl
900964KCIR0M235.9Cairo ReglReelfoot Lake
9009650M2M0524.3Reelfoot LakeCaruthersville Meml
900966M052TN454Caruthersville MemlShoemaker-Shelby Forest
9009672TN4MS6523.5Shoemaker-Shelby ForestDelta Flying Service Inc
900968MS65KHEE32.4Delta Flying Service IncThompson-Robbins
900969KHEE0MS858Thompson-RobbinsCatfish Point
9009700MS80M852.4Catfish PointByerley
9009710M8KVKS37.6ByerleyVicksburg Mun
900972KVKS0R449.8Vicksburg MunConcordia Parish
9009730R4LA6737.2Concordia ParishAngola Airstrip
900974LA67KBTR33.7Angola AirstripBaton Rouge Metro-Ryan
900975KBTRLA0429.3Baton Rouge Metro-RyanCane-Air
900976LA04KMSY42.2Cane-AirArmstrong New Orleans Intl
900977KMSY7LA144.2Armstrong New Orleans IntlBirdwin