Alaska Bush Flight Supply Service

Flights on this page require individual download for each destination: Return To Misty Moorings Scenery.

Pilots may wish to download each destination scenery prior to that flight.

You serve remote areas in Alaska, and the residents there depend on your deliveries.

Flight Code Origin Destination Distance(NM) Orig Airport Dest Airport
900472PF28PF5076.7Chilcotin Plateau airfieldPacific Gateway
900473PF50PF3252.6Pacific GatewayDean River
900474PF32PF3360.2Dean RiverDesperate Moose Lodge
900475PF33PF5325.6Desperate Moose LodgeDetna creek airfield
900476PF53PF5213.2Detna creek airfieldConnelly bay SPB
900477PF52PF5412.7Connelly bay SPBPondosy Pass airstrip
900478PF54PF1050.1Pondosy Pass airstripKowesas River Lodge
900479PF10PF5173.4Kowesas River LodgeStreatham Farm airstrip
900480PF51PF1528Streatham Farm airstripNadina Mountain
900481PF15PF1442Nadina MountainKildala Pass
900482PF14PF1258.8Kildala PassLittle Oliver Creek
900483PF12PF0154.2Little Oliver CreekKhutzeymateen River
900484PF01PF0234.2Khutzeymateen RiverNisga'a Glacial Lake
900485PF02PF4435.9Nisga'a Glacial LakeKitsault Peak Ice Station
900486PF44PF426.2Kitsault Peak Ice StationCambria East Station
900487PF42PF419.7Cambria East StationOtter Mountain Ice Station
900488PF41PF409.3Otter Mountain Ice Station McLeod Ice Station
900489PF40PF4619.1McLeod Ice StationMount Pattullo Ice Station
900490PF46PF4924.6Mount Pattullo Ice StationThrough Glacier Ice Station
900491PF49PF0540.8Through Glacier Ice StationLucky Lindy's Place
900492PF05PF2529.5Lucky Lindy's PlaceWilson River Lodge
900493PF25PF0443.5Wilson River LodgeLavender Lake
900494PF04PF4532.2Lavender LakeMount Johnson
900495PF45PF0615.8Mount JohnsonBowser Lake Airstrip
900496PF06PF4716.6Bowser Lake AirstripErickson Glacier Ice Station
900497PF47PF4813.7Erickson Glacier Ice StationSummit Ice Station