RNAV Landing with IPad

Narrative: Mooney N7183V Nov 2023 Attemted RNAV Approach with Ipad.

On November 19, 2023, about 2101 Eastern time, a Mooney M-20 took off for a 3-hour flight, but ran into problems attempting an instrument landing using only an IPad. While he landed successfully with extraordinary help and patience of ATC, the ATC recording of the event is interesting.

Flight Follower: "This pilot can't fly IFR because his 'Ipad has died'..Lost in Instrument Approach"

Flight Information

Flight Code: 902981
Aircraft: Mooney M-20 or Similar
Flight Plan: KSCX-KMRB
Flight Route: KSCX-KMRB RNAV Rwy 8 Approach
Weather: Ceiling 1900

Suggested flight at night in IMC conditions. The pilot filed a flight plan for 9000 feet but flew the entire route at 3200 feet - perhaps to stay under the clouds.

Flight Code Origin Destination Distance(NM) Orig Airport Dest Airport
902981KSCXKMRB419Scott MunicipalMartinsburg Rgnl