Isle Royale Wreck-Diving Charter & Lighthouse Tour

Must have our IsleRoyale Scenery installed and the following freeware from Marketplace:
MS Germany Points of Interest
MS France Benelux Points of Interest
Asobo EG78 Out Skerries Airport

In this adventure you will take a group of scuba divers on a wreckdiving charter around Isle Royale National Park followed by a dusk to dark Lighthouse Tour before returning to Grand Marais Minnesota.

This adventure has two required flights. The first flight will take your divers from Grand Marais over to Isle Royale with stops at all of the popular wreck sites there. The second flight will be a Dusk to Dark Lighthouse Tour before returning to Grand Marais to complete this adventure.

Turn off Econ mode in SPAACARs before flying to avoid auto-send of pirep.

Isle Royale Wreck Locations.