Robert, sorry about that. Think I finally got your promotion correctly added.
over 208 hours ... promotion?
Got it James. It was filtered to my junk folder for some reason. Changed your VAHQ email and it looks like you already changed the site-side email.
Sent it again. Going to bed now as I haven't been feeling well and it's late. Thanks
Sorry James, I was on vacation and trying to handle emails remotely and probably accidentally deleted it. Could you resend it please?
John, I sent you an email earlier but, have not heard from you so I am wondering if you received it. It was regarding my NEW EMAIL ADDRESS. Please respond when you get a chance.
I agree John, I will definitely watch Blancolirio's videos.Thanks
Yes Chili, very sad. Been following it since the news broke. Also watch for youtube updates on it from Blancolirio - and Pilot Debrief - I was planning some flight adventure plans around the CA fires and this crash rescue, but it's still too raw right now.
Sad news from DC. AA midair collision with a Military Helicopter. Regional AC, CRJ, maybe?
Thanks Smitty! That is good news.
Great news for XP-12 pilots...after 5 or more tries to complete a flight I've finally found a version of XPUIPC that actually works.XPUIPC Google it. Appears to be stable and reads our SPA ACARS 10.15.
Hope you get that computer fixed and are soon back up in the blue skies. Keep the dirty side down.
Thank you John. Looking forward to seeing you in the blue skies
Happy New Year Chili. Sorry to hear about your daughter's illness, but very glad to hear that she is recovering. I've not been flying as much the past couple of weeks because of computer problems. I brought it in now for the smart people to work on it. Hope to have it back by week's end or early next week.
It was a 5. hr, surgery. Just thought I shared a bit of hope on this new year, Never lose faith and Hope.Chili
Hello Fellow VPilots and Happy New Year, Had been away for a few months, dealing with some family health issues, But Thanks The Lord, everything is getting back to normal.In short my daughter had a brain aneurysm and was in a coma for a week, but she is fighter and we got her back, The docs at Bringham Women's Hospital in Boston saved her life. Her surgeon that was on duty that night is the ass. Neurosurgeon at Harvard Medical Neurological school, between him, his team and the Lord, saved her.
You ARE a leader, Airhogg. I doubt I would ever get that far, as I haven't got enough time left, according to the doctors. Gonna hang on as long as I can, God willing.
Congrats James on reaching your first goal. Crossing my fingers on you nest one. I pass my 9000 hours going for 10,000 this year....yikes...
Thanks, Jer. Wasn't sure I would make it that far but, I did it.